10 Things I’ve Learned By Working Hard & Being Ballsy
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Nikki Villigomez has learned a lot over 16 years as a graphic design professional. In this talk, Nikki will proudly share her failures and triumphs as she takes the audience on a 10-step journey of the lessons she has learned along the way. Nikki has been an in-house designer, a freelancer, a stay at home mom, and an educator. Come listen to Nikki share real-life lessons that she wishes someone had told her when she was an emerging designer!

Check out Nikki’s Culture + Typography blog here.

FREE for students and educators, $10 Professional (does not include lunch).

Optional catered box lunch by Stevens & Stevens Deli is an additional $10 (turkey sandwich, veggie sandwich, or grilled chicken caesar salad).

When & Where
Fri, Apr 28, 2017 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Sullivan College of Technology & Design
3901 Atkinson Square Drive
Louisville, KY 40218